Posts tagged self-discovery
Softening the Edges With Compassion

In our individualistic, judgmental, hard-charging, win at all costs world; compassion is not well-practiced or something that I’ve seen as a priority. However, I believe when we practice it consistently, and embody it, it can give us everything we are searching and pushing so hard for. Compassion allows us to loosen the grips of fear that hold us in constant judgment, and allows us to see ourselves and others through a different lens.

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Nurturing Spaciousness to Cultivate Clarity and Ease Everyday

Spaciousness is more than just extra time or energy; it is a fundamental state of being that allows for more clarity, honesty, emotional openness, and inner peace. It is a quality of mind, body, and heart that allows us to approach life with more alignment, ease, and grace. When we embrace spaciousness, we create room for more creativity, reflection, and deep connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us.

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Spend Time to Elevate Your Self-Care

Sometimes it can feel like we can’t fit in one. more. thing. into our already overflowing schedules, and the thought of adding in self-care seems like futile effort or like it won’t matter if it’s not included. However, when we are tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and depleted, self-care can make all the difference in how we show up in the moments that matter and the following days. As we journey through the exploration of self-care, it's essential to pause and reflect to learn important insights, celebrate our progress, and build supportive systems for a future full of care.

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Seeking Harmony Through the Year End: Prioritizing Care and Renewal

As the year comes to a close, we can find ourselves amidst conflicting feelings and priorities. Throughout this season, I invite us all to evaluate what serves our truest most authentic selves best right now in our present lives and to prioritize more of what serves us to nurture our well-being and meet the new year well-resourced.

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Prioritizing Your Self-Care this Season

We are a few weeks into spring! This season always has the potential to create a sense of renewal and growth, making it the perfect time to focus on and prioritize your self-care and well-being. Consider spending some time to reflect on the changes you want to make in your life and how you plan to prioritize your self-care throughout this season. Consider how you want to feel at the end of the season and work backward on what it will take to feel that way. Remember, you are worth it!

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