Rachelle Niemann

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7 Tips for Breaking the Routine

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If you are not feeling focused or if you find yourself circling a thought over and over again in your head, or you just simply need a break, here are seven things you can do to break your routine and hopefully get out of your head at least for a few minutes. 

1.  Go For a Mindful Walk

The best walks are walks outside, but something as simple as a walk to the break room or front door can make a difference. A change of scenery is always a good method to break routine. The most important part of this walk is to take the opportunity to get out of your head and be mindful of the different surroundings. Look around and notice the environment around you. Take in the smells. Listen for the little sounds, and be mindful of the things you would not typically notice.

2. Stretch

Many of us spend our days hunching at our desks in front of a computer, so not only does taking a break to stretch break the routine it can also be beneficial to our health. Wall Angels, explained here, is one of my favorites. 

3. Drink Water or Tea

I almost always need a drink of water. So when I'm not quite feeling on my game, taking some time and drinking a full glass of water 1) is good for my health and hydration and 2) makes me focus on the task at hand...getting the water down. Taking a moment to pause and make some tea and trying to have the patience to wait long enough for it to be cool and not burn the mouth also helps to break the routine. 

4. Do Some Skipping

Seriously, when is the last time you skipped? Would this not be a break in your routine in general?? 

5. Have a Dance Party

This one is probably harder to do while at work, but if you have an office just close that door and don't worry about what is on the other side. Turn on your favorite song and move with the music. It doesn't matter if you know how to dance, move however your body wants to for the length of a song, and make sure you do it for the whole song...or at least one full minute. Some of my favorite dance party songs are: Gorgeous by X-Ambassadors, Shot to the Heart by Bon Jovi, Happy by Pharell Williams, or something I find on YouTube when typing in "dance music". Have fun with it and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. 

6. NNNNnnnnnneeeeeewwwwwwwsssssss

This is by far the most effective technique when I am at a breaking point and need some release. Many years ago one of my good friends and I watched Bruce Almighty and we watched the "News" scene and outtakes over and over again laughing until we could not breathe. This is one you will probably want to do privately, but as Steve Carell does so well in the following clip, just let it all out with the NEWS! Say it out loud, really feel it, and get it out there! This may seem like a ridiculous exercise and frankly it kind of is, but whenever I do it it is extremely effective, I feel some release, and I am almost always laughing at the end. Just give it a try and see how you feel. 


7. Listen to Bon Jovi (or a song you can't help but sing)

I love Bon Jovi and when You Give Love a Bad Name comes on the radio, I have to sing along. So often, if I need a break I will listen to this song because I get into it. It helps to be able to sing out loud, but even putting in my ear buds and listening to it changes my mood. Find a song that make you feel this way, and when you need it listen to it.

8. Smile

You can Google the "positive effects of smiling" and see all the great things it can bring to your day and the moment you are in. When you smile, the world smiles back.

What are some ways you break the routine?