Rachelle Niemann

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Looking Forward with Hope

The 2020 Winter Solstice is upon us for those of us in the northern hemisphere. It has been quite a year for many of us. A challenging year of great change and uncertainty. As you pause and reflect on this changing of the season and the new year that is approaching; consider, how can you look forward to the future holding onto hope? This is a great time to create a hopeful view of the future and work backward to understand what you can do during this change of the seasons and in these remaining weeks of the year to create that future. 

Here are a few prompts to consider for filling your WELL of well-being during this time:


What new sources of information that serve your truest self will you look to now and in the coming year? What can your inner wisdom offer to you in looking toward a hopeful future?


How do you want to feel? Really lean into this one? Take a moment to feel your body right now? How and where do you feel something? When was the last time you noticed how you feel? Now, imagine feeling nourished, cared for, rested, and invigorated. What can create that for you? 

It can be easy to want to resist what has manifested during the last year; however, how much energy are you wasting in fighting against a reality you cannot change. Where can you accept your reality so that you can use your energy more efficiently and more productively for you and your truest self? 


There is a lot of talk about getting back to normal. Perhaps consider, what about normal did you appreciate, and what would you change about your old normal? What new normal do you want to create? This year offered a lot of opportunity and catalyst for change. What is possible for your truest self? 


Change and uncertainty can create anxiety and unpleasant emotions for many of us, which can cause us to be more reactionary and fearful. However, we are all in need of compassion and support, now and always. Where might you seek to open your heart, maybe just a little, to yourself and to those around you? We can all benefit from leaning toward acceptance and compassion now and always. 

Along with the winter solstice, there is also a great conjunction happening where two planets will come so close from our perspective on Earth they will appear as one in the sky. The great conjunction this year contains Jupiter and Saturn. On the longest night of the year, these planets will be shining brightly together lighting up our hopeful paths toward the futures we envision. Lighter and brighter days are coming.

If you’re looking for a self-care reboot, check out this Seven-Day Self-Care Discovery Guide. To get daily supporting emails along with the guide, make sure to create an account. If you’re still looking for more, here is a 30-Day Self-Care Discovery Guide. Here’s to a lighter and brighter end of 2020 and a full 2021!