Practicing Some Self-Love this February


It's Valentine's Day, and whether you love or despise the day I wish you a beautiful day that serves you in the best way possible.

Show yourself some love today and each day for the remainder of February. There are resources below, one for each day for the remainder of February. I ask you to consider creating practices or building upon practices of self-love for just these two weeks to see what it may bring to you. Give it a try. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It's just a little experiment to see if you can find more ways to show yourself love. 

Try one or try them all. I would love to hear about your experiences and as always, please forward this to someone who may find value. Happy Love Day!!  

1. Unplug and sit in silence for 5 uninterrupted minutes. Just as you are.

Close your eyes.
Breathe intentionally and deeply.
Really notice how your body feels.
Release tension. 

2. Watch: Self-Love, Be Intentional | Caitlyn Roux | TEDxYouth@CapeTown

Ask yourself, "How am I adding value to me?"

3. Check out Julie Reisler's: 7 Day-Self-Love and Confidence Meditation Series on Insight Timer

4. Do some moderate exercise.

Not something that makes you feel like you’re being punished or like you’re going to die, but some moderate exercise to get you moving, your heart rate up. Make it smooth and comfortable movement that makes you feel good.

5. Spend time with people who uplift you.

6. Do something that lights you up. Have Fun!

Do you like to paint? Do some painting.
Do you like to play tennis or racquetball or ski? Go play.
Do you like to read? Do some reading.
Do you like to dance? Put on some music and get to it!
Do you like to build things, go for a walk or run, cook a beautiful and nourishing meal??
Choose one and take action. 

7. Go for a hike. 

8. Do something you've been putting off.

9. Learn and practice Self-Love Exercises:

10. Watch this video: Unbroken:

11. Listen to an episode of Live Awake Podcast by Sarah Blondin:

12. Watch the Goalcast inspirational video:

13. Take some time to stretch out your body.
14. Practice Yoga with Adriene’s Self Love Yoga:

Rachelle Niemann

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